To: Middle Tennessee Vocal Association
From: Robert King, President of MTVA
It is an honor and privilege to both welcome new members to the Middle Tennessee Vocal Association, and to welcome back the many returning members. As your president I look forward to being a part of continuing a long tradition of supporting and supplementing the school vocal music programs in Middle Tennessee. Since our beginning in October of 1944 (no, I was not there personally!) we have grown in scope and size many times over.
Let me encourage you to read our MTVA Handbook. This collection of our Constitution, By-laws, and Standing Rules will give you a sense of just how many opportunities there are available for you and your students. While this document is a bit tedious and daunting at times, let us not lose sight of its intended purpose as stated in Article II. Purposes and Objectives:
"To foster and promote the study and performance of the finest choral music...and encourage rehearsal procedures and techniques conducive to obtaining the highest standards possible in musicianship and artistic performance..."
This statement of mission points toward our real function of serving our students through this association. As we sometimes wrestle with the necessary evils of rules and regulations, let us not lose that focus of being committed to providing the best possible experiences for our students.
We are blessed to have a talented and dedicated group of officers who have committed to serving this organization. It is absolutely essential for our success that we work together with a spirit of cooperation. There is a real temptation to foster a false dichotomy between Officers and the General Membership. However, the reality is that we are all MTVA. It is not "Us" (the officers) and "Them" (the members.) We can either talk "about" each other when we don't like things, or we can talk "to" each other as we seek to work together to constantly improve. If you choose the latter then we are destined for a fulfilling year of professional and artistic growth for the benefit of our students.
Lastly, let me encourage you to be very proactive in the communication process. Regularly visit the web site. When in doubt about any issue or event, e-mail or call the appropriate officer listed on that site. The last thing any of us wants is for students to miss out on an event due to a procedural error or oversight. We, the Officers, have committed to improving our accountability in serving you in a timely and efficient manner. But try as we will, nothing can take the place of you, the individual member, taking initiative when we have failed to successfully communicate.
Thank you for your part in making this organization possible. It has been a blessing to me personally and to hundreds of my students the last two decades. Please feel free to call on me this year with anything that I can assist you with as we strive to make this our best year ever.